Psalm 24

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The Return of the Lord to Earth in Victory



  1. Only the clean and the pure are qualified to enter the Lord’s holy place in righteousness.

  2. Only the King of Glory is qualified to enter the gates of Jerusalem in victory.


  1. Have you opened the gates of your heart to the King?


  1. What was the possible occasion for this psalm?

  2. How does verse 1 relate to the Land of Israel?

  3. What does it mean to have clean hands and a pure heart?

  4. Explain the meaning of verse 9.

  5. What will be the Lord’s first task when He returns to this earth?


  1. David may have written it when he brought the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem. The Ark indicated God’s presence in the midst of His people, and therefore it pictures Christ in the midst of His people.

  2. God is the Owner and Creator of the earth and all it contains. He gave a certain portion of the Middle East to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

  3. In the context of the Old Testament, this was the person who was bringing the required sacrifices under the Law and seeking to live a righteous life. In the context of the New Testament, this is the person who has come to Christ for salvation and is living a godly life.

  4. Here the gates of Jerusalem are pictured as having their heads down, but they are lifted up as the gates are opened and the Lord enters in triumphal victory.

  5. His first order of business will be conquering and judging those who have been against His people, the godly remnant of Jews and the saints of the Tribulation Period. Then, after total victory and judgment of the wicked, the Lord will enter Jerusalem in triumphal victory.


  1. Discuss how Psalms 22, 23, and 24 go together to show three aspects of our Lord as the Shepherd of the sheep: Psalm 22 – He is the Good Shepherd – John 10:11 Psalm 23 – He is the Great Shepherd – Hebrews 13:20 Psalm 24 – He is the Chief Shepherd – 1 Peter 5:4


  1. When the gates of Jerusalem are opened as the Lord ascends His earthly throne, every knee will bow to Him as sovereign Lord. Have you opened the gates of your heart to the Lord before you have no choice?


  • "Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully." Psalms 24:3-4

  • "Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory." Psalms 24:10