Psalms 111-112

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Praise the Lord's Excellencies; Blessings for Those who Fear Him

(Transcript not available - coming soon)



  1. The Lord should be praised for His excellencies.

  2. The person who fears the Lord is blessed.


  1. Do you have the right foundation for making right decisions?

  2. Know the secret for reducing stress.

  3. Don’t be deceived by the mask of the wicked.


  1. What type of psalm are Psalms 111 and 112?

  2. What are the excellencies of the Lord?

  3. What does Psalm 111:1 teach us about worship of the Lord?

  4. What is the right foundation for making right decisions?

  5. List the five blessings of Psalm 112 that come to the righteous person who fears the Lord.


  1. They are both perfect alphabetic or acrostic psalms. Both psalms have 22 lines each, corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. These psalms naturally go together, both beginning with “Hallelujah” – Praise the Lord. This indicates both psalms were used for liturgical purposes.

  2. God’s excellencies include His attributes as well as His works and His words.

  3. It is biblical to praise the Lord publicly, together with the Lord’s people.

  4. The fear of the Lord

  5. 1) Physical and material prosperity 2) Light or guidance in the darkness 3) Goodness in exchange for generosity and justice 4) Stability and confidence 5) Strength and honor as a result of giving to the poor


  1. Think of the Lord’s excellencies, His attributes, works, and words. Which of these do you most often praise the Lord for? Stretch yourself a bit and praise Him for another aspect of His excellencies right now.

  2. Discuss the blessing of physical and material prosperity. You may hear this “prosperity gospel” preached as a hot topic today. What is the blessing for the faithful Christian?


  1. Psalm 112:7 tells us a righteous person does not have to be afraid of evil tidings. What “evil tidings” or worries do you spend mental energy dwelling on? Can you trust this issue to our sovereign God?


  • “Praise the LORD! I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation.” Psalm 111:1

  • “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.” Psalm 111:10

  • “Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who delights greatly in His commandments.” Psalm 112:1