John 8:21-30

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“If You Do Not Believe that I Am He, You will die in Your Sins”



  1. There is no second chance for salvation.

  2. There is no second way of salvation.


  1. Don’t miss your window of opportunity.

  2. Don’t unload everything at once on the unbeliever.


  1. How many “I Am” predicate statements are in the gospel of John? Give examples.

  2. How many “I Am” statements without predicates are there in the gospel of John? Give examples.

  3. To what was the Lord Jesus referring when He said, “When you lift up the Son of Man...”?

  4. To what was the Lord Jesus referring when He said, “then you will know that I am He”?

  5. Is there a second chance for salvation after death?

  6. Many roads lead to heaven. Right?

  7. What does Practical Application #1 mean, “Don’t miss your window of opportunity”?


  1. There are seven. The predicates are bread, light, door, Good Shepherd, etc.

  2. There are seven. Three of them are in chapter eight, verses 24, 28, and 58.

  3. He was referring to the cross, His resurrection and His ascension.

  4. Evidence at His death, including the earthquake, the three hours of darkness, the tearing of the veil in the temple from top to bottom, and the Roman centurion’s statement

  5. No. As Jesus said, “You will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come” John 8.21, and “if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins” John 8:24.

  6. Wrong. Jesus alone is the way of salvation.

  7. The “window of opportunity” comes from space terminology, meaning there is a window for launching because of just right conditions. Miss the window and the opportunity is lost.


  1. When did you seize your “window of opportunity” for salvation? Do you know some who have missed the “window of opportunity?”

  2. Do you know people who say there are many roads that lead to God and to heaven? What is your rebuttal?


  1. The Lord could have presented His hearers with more truth, but He was sensitive to the direction and timing of His Father. Follow His example when you are witnessing.


  • “Jesus said, ‘…you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.’” John 8:24 “

  • When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He.” John 8:28