John 12:12-19

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The Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem



  1. The triumphal entry was a fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy.

  2. The triumphal entry was a foretaste of the New Testament program.


  1. Let’s get on with the program.


  1. Is the Bible in chronological order?

  2. When do we celebrate the triumphal entry today?

  3. What do palm branches signify?

  4. What were the people hoping for?

  5. From which Old Testament source were the people quoting, “Hosanna”? The triumphal entry was a fulfillment of what Old Testament prophecy?

  6. Who is the daughter of Zion?


  1. Not always. Sometimes God, by the Holy Spirit, places Scripture in a topical order, so that we might better understand what God is saying to us through His word.

  2. Palm Sunday

  3. They are symbols of victory.

  4. They were hoping for a political Messiah, one who would lead them out from under the Roman rule.

  5. Psalm 118:25-26, a Messianic psalm sung by worshipers coming up to Jerusalem at Passover time. “Hosanna” means “save” and the people were hoping for a political Messiah who would lead them out from under the Roman rule. Zechariah 9:9, which was written 500 years before the coming of Christ, was fulfilled exactly as predicted.

  6. This was a figurative expression for the Jewish people.


  1. Old Testament prophecy is proof that God’s plan for the ages is being fulfilled. How can you use Old Testament prophecy in your witness?

  2. The crowds of Jesus’ day misinterpreted Scripture. They were hoping for a military hero, a political Messiah who would lead them out from under the Roman rule. Can you recognize groups today who turn away from Christ when He fails to promote their cause?


  1. How can you be sure that you are fully in tune with the Lord’s program? Guard against promoting your own agenda over God’s plans by knowing what the Bible says, and by obeying the word.


  • “A great multitude… took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel!’” John 12:12-13

  • “Then Jesus, when He head found a young donkey, sat on it; as it is written, ‘Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt.’” John 12:14-15

  • “The Pharisees said, ‘…Look, the world has gone after Him!’” John 12:19