Work it Out

Devotions for Growing Christians

Work it Out

Philippians 2:12 - Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

“Work out your salvation”? Does the Bible really say that? Doesn't the Bible teach that salvation is not the result of our good deeds or righteous works? Doesn't Ephesians 2:8-9 say, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one should boast"? And doesn't Titus 3:5 say, "He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy..."? How, then, can the Bible tell us in Philippians 2:12, "Work out your salvation"? Did the same author contradict himself? After all, the apostle Paul wrote all three of those letters!

An Apparent Contradiction

We can be sure that Paul did not contradict himself, because he was inspired by the Holy Spirit when he wrote those epistles. An inspired writer of Scripture cannot contradict himself -and he can’t contradict any other inspired human author of Scripture. Why? Because God cannot contradict Himself! There are no contradictions in the Bible because God is the ultimate Author of the whole Bible. If it appears that there are contradictions in the Bible, it’s because we lack understanding of the correct meaning of the “conflicting” texts. A better understanding will usually harmonize the problem with little difficulty.

An important and necessary method for understanding any text of Scripture is to appreciate the occasion of the book. Every book of Scripture has an occasion - the reason why it was written. To determine the occasion, we ask about the particular situation that existed when the book was written. Where was the author when he wrote the book? What was going on in the lives of the author and the readers? Was there a special problem that needed to be corrected? Did the author have a particular audience in mind? Was a significant event the reason for writing the book?

Knowing the occasion of the book often guides us to an understanding of difficult passages within the book, and how they harmonize with passages in other books.

A Possible Interpretation

One possible solution to the apparent contradiction of Philippians 2:12 is that we’re not told to "work for" our salvation but to "work out" our salvation.” This solution suggests that we are to "work out the salvation that God has worked in"! God is the One who "made His light shine in our hearts" (2 Corinthians 4:6). Now we’re responsible to let our "light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). As we "work out our salvation" we will reflect the light of God "in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe..." (Philippians 2:15). Furthermore, we will be enabled to "work out our salvation" because "it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose" (Philippians 2:13). So then, let's take our salvation and, with His unfailing assistance, work it out for the glory of God.

On the surface, this seems like a sound interpretation. It certainly resolves the apparent contradiction, and it seems to fit the context of the verses that follow. Furthermore, we know that the overwhelming thrust of New Testament teaching is that Christians are to work out their salvation - to unbelievers and believers alike - as a witness of what God in His grace has "worked in." In our daily lives we are to put into practice all the benefits of salvation that God has worked in us by His Holy Spirit. This is not a momentary act but a lifelong process of growth and commitment. It is possible, therefore, that the "work out what God has worked in" approach is the plain and simple way to harmonize Philippians 2:12 with the rest of the New Testament's teaching on the subject of salvation.

However, knowing the occasion surrounding Paul's letter to the Philippians may lead us to a somewhat different interpretation.

The Occasion of Philippians

What was the occasion of Paul’s letter to the Philippians? In chapter 4 we learn that a Christian brother named Epaphroditus had come from Philippi to visit Paul in Rome, where Paul was under house arrest during his first Roman imprisonment (Acts 28:30-31). Epaphroditus brought a monetary gift for the apostle, and news from the church at Philippi.

The church at Philippi had shown continuing love and concern by helping to support Paul, and the work of the Lord in general (1:5,7). As a model church they had also contributed, at great personal sacrifice, to a fund for assisting believers in Jerusalem who were in time of great need (2 Corinthians 8:1-5). So Paul wrote to tell the Philippians how the Lord was overruling in his prison situation for good (1:12-26), to thank them for their support, and to let them know that the Lord was taking care of him (4:10-19).

Paul was eager to hear the news about the believers at Philippi. He had worked hard to establish that church on his second and third missionary journeys. About ten years had passed since those early days (Acts 16), and the church had grown and prospered. Paul prayed constantly for his beloved sons and daughters in the faith at Philippi (1:3-4, 8).

However, Epaphroditus brought disturbing news of two prominent dangers on the horizon at Philippi. First, there was the constant threat of Judaizers. The Judaizers were zealously religious Jews who showed up just about everywhere Paul preached the gospel of freedom in Christ. The Judaizers taught that a person was not saved simply by trusting Christ, but that the works of the Law of Moses were also an essential part of salvation. This false teaching had not penetrated the church at Philippi, but Paul was concerned enough to write a strong warning to the believers about the threat posed by these Judaizers. "Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision" (Philippians 3:2).

In addition, there was an impending split in the church at Philippi. In chapter 4 Paul urges two women, Euodia and Syntyche, to live in harmony. Apparently these two gifted and active Christian women could not see eye to eye on something, and other Christians were beginning to take sides. Factions were beginning to build up within the church, destroying unity in the fellowship. The apostle didn’t describe the problem issue, but apparently it was not a doctrinal error. If it had been a doctrinal issue, Paul would have dealt with heretical trends in no uncertain terms! Some biblical scholars have suggested that the developing rift was between those believers with "perfectionist" leanings (3:12-16), and those with "libertine" (antinomian) leanings (3:18-19).

On the other hand, perhaps the rift was caused by nothing more than different views and ideas about the church's time and place of meeting, or the details of their evangelistic program! Would any church today split over such trivial matters? Unfortunately - yes! There are walk-outs and splits over matters of even less importance. Maybe that's why the Holy Spirit left the particulars of the rift at Philippi undisclosed - so we can readily apply this Scripture to a wide range of problems causing disunity in our churches today. In any case, it’s hard to miss Paul's emphasis on the importance of unity throughout this letter.

A Call for Unity

Besides Paul's call for Euodia and Syntyche to live in harmony (4:2), he urged all the Philippians to show forbearance and gentleness to one another (4:5). Their thoughts about one another were to be positive. And only positive! Only reports that were true, and only those traits and actions which were honorable, right, pure and lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy were to characterize their thoughts about each other (4:8). They were to reject gossip and refuse to listen to slanted reports. And they were to relinquish their tendencies to dwell on the negative traits of their fellow church members!

Thinking only about the positive attributes and praiseworthy actions of the brothers and sisters would steer the Philippians back towards unity. And thinking only about the praiseworthy actions and positive attributes of fellow-Christians will move us toward unity today - especially with that brother or sister who always seems to rub us the wrong way!

Beginning in chapter 1, Paul urged the Philippians to "conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ" (1:27). In chapter 2 Paul begged them to be "like-minded, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" (2:2-4). And then Paul gave them the ultimate example of a self-giving attitude: the Lord Jesus (2:5-8).

But notice how this wonderful Christ-exalting Scripture is set in a practical context: "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus" (2:5)! Now, in application, Paul wrote verse 12: "So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling." That is, especially in view of the occasion - the problem of disunity in the church - the Philippian believers were to work out their salvation.

A Better Interpretation

In what way were the Christians at Philippi to work out their salvation? Were they to let the fruits of their salvation interact with one another so the problem of disunity in the church would disappear or diminish? Were they to take the love and patience, and the forbearance and forgiving spirit that God had given them as part of their salvation, and "work it out" towards their fellow believers? Certainly this would promote unity. It would help to heal the rift that was splitting the church. In view of the occasion of the book of Philippians, this interpretation certainly comes closer to what Paul had in mind when he wrote "work out your salvation." In fact, it may be exactly what he had in mind when he penned this phrase.

However, one further point must be investigated before we draw our final conclusions. When the word "salvation" is used, it does not always mean the salvation of our souls. This is true in both the Greek language of the New Testament and in English. In English, we sometimes talk of "salvation" in terms of deliverance from a life-threatening situation, or a solution to a perplexing problem. For example, the farmer saved his farm from foreclosure by working out an acceptable payment plan. He worked out his salvation from bankruptcy.

And this is true in the Greek language. In Philippians 1:19, when Paul talks about his “salvation,” he meant his deliverance from prison. He is confident that through the Philippians’s prayers, and in God’s will, he would be "saved" from his imprisonment. The same Greek word for "salvation" is used in both Philippians 2:12 and 1:19!

It is quite possible, therefore, that the "salvation" Paul had in mind when he wrote Philippians 2:12 was deliverance of saving the local church from a disastrous split! The Philippians were to work out a solution to the divisive problem to save the unity of their church. And they were to do it with "fear and trembling," because this was serious business. Contention is devastating in any church, but is especially critical in a young, growing church. The good news was that they could be sure that God was at work in them - to give them the will and the strength to achieve the unity that pleases God (2:13) - an accomplishment that is humanly impossible!

Paul could have used his apostolic authority, detailing the exact course of action to take, but he chose to ask the Philippians to "work it out" themselves. He gave guidelines (2:2-4, 4:4-9) and the model to follow: the self-giving attitude of Christ (2:5-8). And they were to work out their differences without "grumbling or disputing" (2:14)! The result of their "salvation" from selfishness, and strife, and an impending split would bring glory to God, because their united testimony would shine for all the world to see (2:15).

The Application for Today

In light of this interpretation, the application of Philippians 2:12 to the church today should be obvious. When differing views on non-heretical matters rise above the level of personal opinion and begin to assume contentious "rift status," believers need to sit down together and work out the way to save their church's unity. Is it a disagreement regarding the times for services, or the types of music, or the paint in the Sunday school rooms, or the color of the carpet in the sanctuary? Work it out! The solution must be worked out, and Christian unity maintained.

Work it out! Don't pretend the contentions don't exist. Don't sweep problems under the rug. Don’t split into cliques. Work it out! Since God's will for us is unity in our churches, we can be sure that there is a divine solution for every disrupting problem. The solution may not come easily. "Salvation" from a disastrous situation will involve serious attitude changes - on everyone’s part. Swallowing pride, forsaking personal ambitions, sacrificing "pet projects" must all be undertaken - but the result will be well worth the sacrifice and effort! Salvation from the church’s divisive problems can be worked out!

Let's bring glory to our Lord Jesus and fulfill our mission to be "lights in the world, above reproach in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation, holding forth the word of life" (2:15). Let's work it out!

- Dave Reid

DevotionsRon Reid