You Snooze, You Lose

You Snooze, You Lose

It may be one of the worst “innovations” of all time… the snooze button.

Virtually every alarm clock in the world has this puzzling addition:  a button that actually counteracts the very purpose it was designed for.  Think about it.  Imagine an exercise bike with a “relax” knob, or an oven with a “keep cool” switch.  

Despite the illogicality, most people love the snooze button.  They set their alarm early so they can hit snooze again and again… often still not managing a punctual departure from the sheets.

As we venture into 2022, it may sound a bit cliché to say that we should avoid hitting the spiritual snooze button this year (although that’s never an outdated resolution).  But look at it another way.  Ask yourself:  “What did God design me to do in this world?  What specific function has He given me that will advance His Kingdom on earth in my lifetime?”

Now, do your plans and goals for 2022 revolve around the answers to those questions?

The classic New Year’s resolutions to exercise, lose weight, or be a better ________ (fill in the blank) are always worthwhile.  But if we’re filling our time with activities that don’t involve God’s design for our lives, we’re counteracting our very purpose on earth.  We’re “snoozing” the promptings that He’s placed on our hearts, again… and again…. and again…

Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

- Ron Reid