It's Your Move

It's Your Move

The U-Haul was loaded and waiting outside. It was August 1995, and the “reset button” of my life was about to be pressed. Within the span of a month, I would sell my business in Chicago, move to New England, marry my fiancée, start attending a new church, and begin working full-time for Growing Christians Ministries.

Whew! 20+ years and two kids later, it’s truly difficult to remember what my life was like before that moving van pulled away from the curb.

Not all moments are as epic or life-changing as others. But true progress in our lives usually has its foundations in “reset” moments like this. Letting go of a particular lifestyle, routine, or thought pattern is exactly what allows us to move forward.

All of us desire some kind of spiritual growth or change in our lives. But how often do we pursue progress without a true willingness to give up our old ways? It’s like that diet or exercise plan we keep telling ourselves we’ll start… tomorrow!

With God’s help, new beginnings are always possible. He’ll help us pack that U-Haul and guide us on our way. In fact, forget the U-Haul -- God owns and operates the most highly accredited professional moving company on earth! He’s helped millions of people rethink, revise, reset, rebuild… and rejoice!

For you, the move may be in a mental/spiritual sense: leaving behind a sinful habit, or overcoming resentful feelings from a difficult relationship. Or it may be more of a physical move: finding a better church, or connecting with stronger Christian friends and influences.

Whatever you seek, God offers the strength and ability to pack the truck and begin again. The question is, are we truly committed to get up and move? There will always be a million excuses, but maybe it’s time we say “goodbye” to the old routine and climb into the cab with Him. The motor is running…

Ephesians 4:22-24 - “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”

- Ron Reid

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