Luke 4:31-44

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Our Lord’s Power Over Demons and Disease



  1. As the great Creator, Jesus could cast out any and all demons.

  2. As the great Physician, Jesus could heal any and all diseases.


  1. Have a quiet time to stay focused.


  1. Where did the Lord go after He was rejected in Nazareth?

  2. Look back at Luke 4:18. How was this quotation from Isaiah 61 fulfilled in Jesus’ ministry?

  3. Joke: Why did Peter later deny Christ?

  4. Why did Jesus tell the demons to be quiet?

  5. Were the demons created as evil spirits?


  1. He left Nazareth and probably never returned. He went down to Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee and made this fishing village His new home.

  2. In Capernaum the Lord preached and taught the good news with authority. He brought release and freedom to the demon-possessed and downtrodden and brought healing to the sick and diseased.

  3. Because the Lord healed his mother-in-law! (Serious side note: Note that Peter, an apostle, was married. Anyone who tries to teach a celibate priesthood certainly cannot appeal to Peter. He was a married man.)

  4. The Lord did not want the testimony of demons.

  5. No, they were created as holy angels, but became evil spirits when they rebelled along with Satan.


  1. Review the significant facts about demons that we learn from this event: 1) Demons can be in religious places. 2) Different demons have different characteristics: unclean demon – an evil spirit that caused morally unclean thoughts and actions deaf and dumb spirit – Mark 9 spirit of infirmity – Luke 13 doctrines of demons – an evil spirit involved in spreading false doctrine through false teachers (1 Timothy 4) 3) Demons recognize who Jesus is.

  2. As the great Physician, Jesus can heal any and all diseases. There are many reasons, however, the Lord may choose not to heal a sick believer today. Do not assume it is because that believer does not have enough faith. That is a devastating assumption. Discuss how someone can bring glory to God from a life of suffering and in the way they handle suffering. challenge The Lord Jesus knew His purpose was to preach the good news throughout Israel. In order to stay focused on His purpose and not get sidetracked with the physical needs of the people, He spent quiet time alone with the Father. We too need to get alone with the Lord each day to stay focused on what He has called us to do. memorize “And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with authority.” Luke 4:32 “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Luke 4:43.


  1. The Lord Jesus knew His purpose was to preach the good news throughout Israel. In order to stay focused on His purpose and not get sidetracked with the physical needs of the people, He spent quiet time alone with the Father. We too need to get alone with the Lord each day to stay focused on what He has called us to do.


  • “And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with authority.” Luke 4:32

  • “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Luke 4:43