Leviticus 19:19-37

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Further Laws about Practical Holiness

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  1. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they keep appropriate distinctions and separation.

  2. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they stay away from pagan practices.

  3. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they maintain pure worship of the Lord.

  4. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they don’t dabble in the occult.

  5. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they honor older people.

  6. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they provide for the outsiders.

  7. Believers reflect the holiness of God when they keep ethical standards of conduct.


  1. Don’t throw the principle out with the precept!


  1. What is the central thought of Leviticus 19 (as well as for the whole book of Leviticus)?

  2. What is the common thread between the laws in verses 19-25?

  3. What types of laws were contained in the Mosaic Law?

  4. What were the “familiar spirits” mentioned in verse 31?


  1. “You shall be holy as I the Lord Your God am holy” (verse 2).

  2. All the laws in this subsection in some way relate to keeping separate or distinct what God has separated or made distinct in His order of creation.

  3. The Mosaic Law contained moral laws, civil laws, and ceremonial laws. God’s moral laws never change and are for the believer today, but the civil and ceremonial laws of the Mosaic Law ended with Christ.

  4. Familiar spirits in the Bible are not the spirits of people who have died. They are demons that are familiar with the person who has died.


  1. In Leviticus 19:32, the Lord required not only the honoring of parents, but of the older generation as a whole by the younger generation. This seems to be a foreign concept in our culture. Discuss how you can model this principle to those around you.

  2. Romans 10:14 tells us that Christ is the end of the Law. Romans 8:2 says He has set us free from the Law. This does not mean that we as Christians need to throw out all the laws of the Old Testament. Discuss the guideline, “Don’t throw the principle out with the precept!”


  1. God had allowed the Children of Israel to be strangers in Egypt so that they would know what it felt like to be aliens. There were to be no second class citizens in Israel. Is there someone in your circle of friends, church, or workplace that you need to stop treating as an outsider? Commit to do so today.


  • “You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:32

  • “Therefore you shall observe all My statutes and all My judgments, and perform them: I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:37