1 Timothy 1:1-4

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The Salutation and a Warning Against False Teaching



  1. False teaching is controlled by silencing.

  2. False teaching is characterized by squabbles.


  1. When was the last time you wrote a follow up letter?


  1. List the three “Pastoral Epistles” in the New Testament. Why are they called Pastoral Epistles?

  2. What is the theme that emerges from 1 Timothy?

  3. Why did Paul remind Timothy that he was an apostle of Christ “according to the commandment of God”?

  4. Was this only a private letter from Paul to Timothy?

  5. What is the clue that there was a genuine father-son relationship between Paul and Timothy?

  6. Where do we read more about Timothy’s background?

  7. About how old was Timothy when he joined Paul on his missionary travels?


  1. 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. They were written to Timothy and Titus concerning their pastoral responsibilities in the churches they served.

  2. Church order. This epistle is a handbook for setting up a church.

  3. To give Timothy the authority he needed to direct the church at Ephesus, and to let the church know that Timothy had the authority of the apostle Paul behind him.

  4. No. It was to be read publicly in the church at Ephesus. One clue: in Greek, the original language, the “you” in 6:21 is plural.

  5. The terms of tenderness and endearment in verse 2.

  6. Acts 16:1-3, 2 Timothy 1:5; and 2 Timothy 15.

  7. In his late teens or early twenties.


  1. False doctrine was beginning to be a problem for the early church. The apostle Paul charged Timothy to deal with these false teachers. How? By silencing them. The same is true today. Biblical doctrine and no other doctrine is to be taught or tolerated in the church. Heresy only happens when false teaching is not stopped. Are false teachers and their doctrines silenced in your church?

  2. During the inter-testamental period there were a number of books written which were not Scripture. False teachers were promoting these over biblical teaching. False teaching results in disputes and squabbles. Is your church free from false teaching and its results? Is your church growing in the faith because of sound doctrine?


  1. Paul wrote to Timothy to remind him of his responsibilities in the church and to encourage him in the faith. When was the last time you wrote to a younger believer to encourage him in the faith?


  • “ Charge some that they teach no other doctrine, nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. ” - 1 Timothy 1:3-4