Dependence on the Cloud


Dependence on the Cloud

If you were asked to give a simple definition of “the cloud” (as it pertains to the computer world), what would your answer be?

If you’re like most people, this question throws you for a loop.  You hear about “the cloud” all the time, but you’ve never really understood the concept.  For Apple users, it casts you into the ever-confusing world of “iCloud,” and the perpetual notifications that your iCloud storage is almost full.  

Whether we fully understand or realize it, most of us depend on the cloud in our daily lives. In a very general sense, it refers to computer systems and services that are readily available to us through the internet.  As end users, we have the benefit of vast resources we couldn’t manage or afford on our own by accessing them through the cloud. 

In Exodus and Numbers, “the cloud” had a very different meaning, but the Israelites also relied on it daily.  The Lord used a miraculous pillar of cloud to guide His people in the wilderness.  We first hear about it when the Israelites escaped from Egypt.  God led them with visible evidence of His presence:

“By day, the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way.  By night, in a pillar of fire to give them light.  This allowed them to travel by day or by night” (Exodus 13:21).

God also used the cloud for their protection.  When Pharaoh pursued and trapped them by the shores of the Red Sea, "the angel of God, who had been leading the people of Israel, moved to the rear of the camp…  The cloud settled between the Egyptian and Israelite camps" (Exodus 14:19-20).   

When the Egyptians attempted to chase the Israelites the next morning, "the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army from the pillar of cloud, and he threw their forces into total confusion" (Exodus 14:24).

God's use of the cloud didn't stop after the miraculous events at the Red Sea.  When the Israelites needed relief from the hot desert sun, the cloud was there.  When they needed light and warmth during the chilly nights, the pillar of fire was there (Nehemiah 9:12; Psalm 78:14; Psalm 105:39).  Sometimes the cloud would move quickly, while other times it would stay in the same place for a long time (Numbers 9:18-22).  But even when cloud wasn’t moving, God was still working in their lives.  The Israelites learned obedience and patience with God’s timing, and the ongoing presence of the cloud left no doubt that He was with them. 

One of the most amazing aspects of God’s cloud was the grace extended to the Israelites even when they strayed from Him.  Exodus 13:22 says that "the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people."  Consider the awesome significance of that statement!  God didn’t remove the cloud when the people complained.  He didn’t remove it when they disobeyed.  Even on the day they created and worshipped the golden calf idol, God didn’t take away the visible sign of His presence (Deuteronomy 1:30-33; 1 Corinthians 10:1-10).  Now that’s amazing grace!  And our compassionate, gracious God is the same today.  "I am the Lord and I do not change" (Malachi 3:6).  

Have you ever wished you could see and feel God’s presence like the Israelites did?  Wouldn’t it be great to just download God’s GPS app for your life?  Wouldn’t it be awesome to witness a constant stream of tangible miracles showing His care and provision?  That sounds amazing, but we haven’t been shortchanged in the area of daily guidance, protection, and grace.  We have something the Israelites never experienced:  the Holy Spirit of God living in us. 

As Jesus said to his disciples just before He went to the cross, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.  He is the Holy Spirit…”  (John 14:16-17).  For many Christians, giving a definition of the Holy Spirit can be as elusive as describing the cloud of the computer world.  But even though we may not fully grasp it, the Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is continually working in our lives in many ways (see Romans 8:26-27; Titus 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 1:6; Romans 15:13; 1 Corinthians 2:10-11, just for starters). 

In our WiFi-driven society, our lives have become dependent on the cloud and all its high-tech benefits.  But let’s not forget our true daily dependence is on God.  We have direct access to His vast “cloud” of resources, power, protection, and guidance through His Spirit.  We may not have a literal pillar of cloud or fire leading us in the right direction, but we can pray and rely on Him for wisdom, guidance and clarity.   

God’s plan may move quickly in our lives, while at other times it may seem like we’re in a holding pattern.  Waiting for answers is difficult, but waiting can teach us faith and obedience.  Romans 8:28 assures us that God has a plan in motion, and like the Israelites, we can trust Him to guide us in all we do.

“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.  May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.”  Psalm 143:10. 

– Ron Reid